
My Story



About six years ago my body became ill and I was miserable from headaches, bloating, gas, constipation, brain fog, fatigue, and anxiety. Of course I was labeled “so healthy!” by mainstream healthcare, but I could sense my body was talking to me. Although feeling very vulnerable, I made a decision to take charge of my own health. I just simply wasn’t willing to live my life sick anymore if I could help it. As I did my own research, it began to dawn on me that I had actually been ignoring symptoms for a long time, thinking it was just normal to pop an Advil or drink a strong coffee for a headache. I felt led to pursue a more natural and unconventional means of healing.

Along with some very astonishing food sensitivities that I had to address, blood tests revealed I was high in heavy metals. Heavy metals, even in small increments, build up in the body over a long period of time. We are exposed to them through things like foods, water, cookware, dental work and chemicals in cleaning and body products. Heavy metals are carcinogens- linked to not only cancer, but depression, anxiety, and a whole host of other diseases. Gradually I began to detox what went into my mouth and what went on my skin. (Since our epidermis is considered the largest organ of the body, aka the TONGUE of the body! Hello!) What we consume matters. Whether it goes on the skin or in the mouth, it DOES something in the body.

So as I researched each toxic metal that was present on my test results chart, I found MATCHING ones on my skincare and cosmetics labels. Yikes! I trashed my department store stash and mainstream skincare. (With a few exceptions. I do allow myself a 10% cheat bag if I can’t find something comparable). So much for those monthly bundles and free totes with purchases! Unfortunately, harsh toxic chemicals lurked in pretty much every one of my favorite makeup/skin care brands. Yes it was a sad day. But now I save SO MUCH MONEY!

It opened up a whole pathway. Suddenly I was pushed to explore other options. Sure, It was difficult at first, but now there’s a massive amount of retail I’m not even tempted by anymore. Now I walk straight past cosmetic stores and counters without a second thought, because I know that (for the majority)- if they have a well known label, what’s in it is probably not in line with my health journey. No- I don’t think mainstream skincare/cosmetic companies are evil, It’s just very apparent health is not their main goal, generally speaking. Mine is. Why would I put something detrimental on myself if I know it’s not going to benefit me, and may possibly even make me sick? It’s way easier now that choices have been whittled down. For the same reason grocery shopping is way easier for me now. We buy mostly from the perimeter of the store as a general rule of thumb. If it’s in a box it’s probably a dead food and is not going to benefit our bodies. So those things are limited.

As for skin care, I’m learning to wear less makeup and see myself beautiful without it. Naked and unashamed, baby- that’s how we all came out of the womb, so since when do we think we are not acceptable in our organic state? Well, I blame Hollywood, mainstream media, the cosmetic companies and a host of others for capitalizing upon our vulnerabilities and exploiting the female race, by making us think we are only acceptable if we project a certain image. And as for the make-up and skin care that I DO apply, I try to be sure it has a clean label, preferably plant based, and I try to make it myself. That way I’m sure of what’s in it and that the practices that went into making it are sustainable.When I realized how pricey toxic skin care and cosmetics are, I began making my own soaps and lotions.

I made a few gifts for people, then others started asking if they could purchase from me. So that’s how it all began. Me, just trying to be frugal in my own journey of health. Me, just trying to get well, to have enough energy to enjoy my children, to not be distracted every day by the general feeling of “dis-ease”.Since then I’ve become a bit of a health information nerd, reading trusted sources and experimenting to see what works for my own body and family. I want to set my babies up for thriving health. They will have enough to battle through in this hard life...without having a sluggish immune system and a disrupted endocrine system due to the over exposure to harsh substances.

That’s a huge propeller of why I do what I do: my kids. I don’t use things on them that may cause them harm or put them at a higher risk for disease.I believe We should all live our best lives. And it’s because we were intricately formed by an Artist who placed a destiny inside us. We have something meaningful to accomplish and a purpose outside of ourselves.

We have heavenly assignments meant to be released here on planet earth. Who wants to live out their destiny sick and miserable? Not me. I’d like my life to look as much like the Creator as possible. So for me, this health journey is not one of fear, but it is linked to a divine, supernatural purpose. It’s about me, using small choices daily to come into alignment with God’s desire for my life, so I can do what He has planned for me to do in a whole, healthy, abundant way.

Mindful, meaningful choices even in small areas truly matter. Medical Professional or business woman I’m certainly NOT, but I do love to share what I feel passionately about. And as long as people keep asking, I will keep sharing. So there you have it...how it all began, the momentum and the motive behind SkinCare Matters.