Anyone else feel like the moments flow through your fingers like sand? That hourglass feels like a rushing torrent instead of the slow trickle its supposed to be.
Each day feels like flurry of actions and decisions concerning the small humans I'm in charge of, as I'm always asking "What's best for them?" Or, what's best for my business, clients' skin...the WORLD! It's easy to get lost in the details. Staying PRESENT can be a challenge.
Maybe I'm not alone when I say this:
Life can feel vigorous yet monotonous.
Peaceful yet tumultuous.
Simple yet complicated.
Some days, instead of a daily flow I just feel I'm spinning in circles, dizzy from it all.
Then a reminder comes-usually in the form of my children- to slow down and stop.
Feel. Breathe in this moment.
Time is a resource. It flows like talent and money. It is ours as a gift to spend as we wish. There's more than one way to waste it. Most of us don't sit around doing nothing. Instead we tend to waste time doing things that are not of great import....Squandering away the moments and opportunities that COULD be full of meaning and purpose.
Henry David Thoreau said something like this: You can't kill time without injuring eternity.
Deciphering what is important is the hardest thing sometimes. There is always something that seems urgent. That to- do list (mental or physical) can feel haunting. We will never NOT have a swirl of urgent things pulling at us in the every day flow. The wise person stops and asks: What will last? What will be important in the end? What is a good investment of my time and energy?
Let's put ourselves out a few decades and look back at what lasted and mattered...then...let's do THAT. Invest there. Leave a deposit of our energy THERE and wait for its' return. Let's live from an eternal perspective, sowing into the people and things around us that matter.
Live by what is important, not by the tyranny of the urgent. - Mike Bickle