Skin Needs: Seasonal Changes

Skin Needs: Seasonal Changes

Our skin likes consistency, so it can be a shock when we experience a quick change in seasons. Skin feels the change when winter brings cooler temperatures outdoors. We also experience the change indoors with using central heat instead of air conditioning. The constant flux of being indoors, then outdoors in the dry wind can bring winter skin woes.

Fall and winter bring coldness and dry air, which can remove some of our skin's natural moisture. Therefore our bodies must work harder to stay hydrated. When our skin experiences a quick temperature change and humidity drop we may need to attend to it more.

Our natural skin barrier can become disrupted during times of transition, making it more susceptible to irritation and inflammatory conditions. With less humidity in the air, skin usually becomes more dry which can cause an excess of dead skin cells.

As if external changes were not significant enough, new seasons bring on on lifestyle changes as well: busier schedules with the holidays, less sleep, poorer nutrition, and activities that are not our norm.

Here are some tips to keep skin healthy during seasonal transition times:

+Use non-drying cleansers with gentle ingredients

+To lock in moisture, apply a moisturizer immediately after showering, bathing or cleansing

+Consider a body scrub as an exfoliant to assist with sloughing off dead skin cells

+Look for ingredients that have natural humectants (an emollient that draws water from the air and locks in moisture- such as Shea butter, honey, aloe vera gel)

+Stay as consistent as possible with sufficient water intake, good nutrition and sleep

+While in times of transition, maintain as healthy of a life rhythm as possible

More than anything, listen and pay attention to what the body needs. The skin is an organ. If the liver or heart or belly needed something, we would make the change to make it thrive. Let's love on the body's largest organ in all seasons!