We were never meant to use food as main source of comfort, or as a crutch. It is our source to FUEL the VIBRANT lives we are meant to live. The same goes for other consumable items, ideas or lifestyle choices that center around health and wellness.
Sometimes we get so caught up in “what NOT to eat...use...consume” that our minds move into what I call “polarized thinking”. No room for "in betweens"- just left or right, black or white. But we must be cautious here. Polarity in our thinking causes us to put a big "X" on certain things and it boxes us in to “one way is the right way”. It can encourage addictive behaviors around all our choices- not just food. Disordered eating can sneak right in easily. Polarized thinking can cause us to micromanage out of fear and make us strive for control via perfectionism. When we take this stance, we can easily blur the line of caution to one of judgment. No good fruit in that! It just makes US the slave as we become our own harsh critic. Polarized thinking can cause us to become paralyzed, not moving either way. We can become afraid to reach for something for fear of risk, so we stay stagnant and shamed, not moving at all.
I have so been there. Oh so many times. But I'm learning. When it comes to food and health choices, I have found value in a Good/Better/Best mentality. It unparalyzes us and lets us move forward. One way I do this is think of the food in question (or product or idea) on the spectrum to see where it falls in relation to everything else in my life. We can’t put each decision in a vacuum because we are multidimensional beings. We have to be big- picture people too! Nice tidy boxes are great, but they are not always realistic. Welcome to the gray world where compromise can sometimes be an entrance to new freedom!
Sure- sometimes compromises are wisdom, sometimes cop- outs. But there’s nothing wrong with EXPERIMENTING to find out where our personal line is.
The key is to learn to GOVERN our consumption with our senses engaged with Heaven to find what SERVES US best.
Let’s be careful on our health journeys. They’re meant to bring VITALITY, not sabotage our PEACE.
But I'm curious... how do YOU manage the sometimes rocky road of picking and choosing what's best for health- be it food or another related component?